Heat Transfer Instructions







Step 1:

Set temperature, pressure & time on your heat press.

  • Temperature: 300°f - 320°f
  • Time: 10-15 seconds
  • Pressure: Medium to High
  • manual press: tighten dial until the press won’t close. Loosen dial progressively until the press closes.

Step 2:

Pre-press the tee for 5-10 seconds
Pre-pressing removes the moisture from the garment ensuring proper adhesion and minimizing potential for shrinkage.

Step 3:

Press transfer graphic on garment for 12-15 seconds.

Step 4:

Let transfer cool for 45 seconds before peeling transfer sheet.

Step 5:

Place Teflon sheet or parchment paper over the garment and press again for 10-15 seconds (peel Teflon sheet / parchment paper hot)

Need help?

  • Always test press your transfer on a spoiled or old garment to dial in your heat press before pressing your production.
  • Transfer not sticking to the garment? Increase your pressure, ensure even heating, and make sure the transfer is cool to the touch.
  • Still won't peel easily. Repress for 4 seconds then try using a different corner.
  • These instructions are just your starting point; each garment and material are different and should be tested to ensure proper adhesion.

Still need help? - cs@custommadebyus.com

Please watch our following videos to see how to create a DTF Gang Sheet in Adobe Photoshop, Canva Pro, and using our Online Builder!

Create a 22" x 60" Gang Sheet using our Online Builder

Create a 22" x 60" Gang Sheet in Canva Pro

Create a 22" x 60" Gang Sheet in Photoshop